Thu. Dec 5th, 2024

Two of Donald Trump’s golf course liquor licenses not renewed

By admin Jul4,2024

Two of Donald Trump’s golf course liquor licenses not renewed 0)return[[_name+”-engaged”,”true”]]}catch(e){}})())&&typeof e.forEach===t&&(f=o[n].pubads())&&e.forEach((function(o){o&&o[0]&&f.setTargeting(o[0],o[1]||””)}))}(c=o[n]=o[n]||{}).cmd=c.cmd||[],typeof c.pubads===t?i():typeof c.cmd.unshift===t?c.cmd.unshift(i):c.cmd.push(i)})(window,”googletag”,”function”);;})(window,decodeURI(‘a%64%6di%72%61l’));!(function(t,c,i){i=t.createElement(c),t=t.getElementsByTagName(c)[0],i.async=1,i.src=””,t.parentNode.insertBefore(i,t)})(document,”script”); ]]> { self.setGciAnalyticsUser(); hasUserSet = true;, args); }; window.addEventListener(‘userStatusChanged’, userStatusChangedHandler, { once: true }); // If the GUP user hasn’t been set after five seconds then fire the event and // reset the method to its original value. setTimeout(() => { if (hasUserSet) { return; } userStatusChangedHandler ? window.removeEventListener(‘userStatusChanged’, userStatusChangedHandler) : null;, args); window.gciAnalytics[methodName] !== originalMethod ? window.gciAnalytics[methodName] = originalMethod : null; }, 5000); }; } initProxies() { const self = this; let attempts = 0; let intTime = 100; let attemptLimit = (5000 / intTime) – 1; // Number of attempts that fit into five seconds. const interval = setInterval(() => { if (!window.gciAnalytics) { attempts >= attemptLimit ? clearInterval(interval) : ++attempts; return; } clearInterval(interval); const proxyMethods = [‘view’, ‘link’]; proxyMethods.forEach((methodName) => self.createProxy(methodName)); }, intTime); } }; new USATGciAnalyticsProxy(); /* ]]]]> */ ]]> 0){for(var a=0;a { const gup_anon_id = window.user?.response?.anonymousId; if ( gup_anon_id ) { googletag.cmd.push( () => { googletag.pubads().setPublisherProvidedId( gup_anon_id ); }); } }); ]]> { if (typeof(Event) === ‘function’) { // modern browsers window.dispatchEvent(new Event(‘resize’)); } else { // for IE and other old browsers // causes deprecation warning on modern browsers var evt = window.document.createEvent(‘UIEvents’); evt.initUIEvent(‘resize’, true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }, 100); }); ]]>


Two of former President Donald Trump’s golf courses in New Jersey were denied liquor license renewals following his conviction on 34 felonies in New York two months ago.

New Jersey’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) said Friday they were issuing temporary 90-day permits that will allow the clubs to continue serving alcohol pending the outcome of a scheduled hearing on July 19 in Trenton.

The Trump Organization called the hearing “unwarranted and unjustified” according to news reports.

The two golf clubs in New Jersey whose liquor licenses expired July 1, 2024, are Trump National Colts Neck and Trump National Bedminster. The license for Trump National Philadelphia, in Pine Hill, New Jersey was renewed by the municipality there.

The liquor license hearing is scheduled after Trump’s upcoming sentencing in New York on July 11.

After Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in May, ABC is looking into New Jersey law that prohibits convicted criminals “involving moral turpitude” from holding a liquor license, according to official news sources.

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By admin

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